Developing the Talented Public Speaker in You - Webinar #1

“Public Speaking Preparation and Managing Nervousness”


There are 10 elements of public speaking that drive the success of virtually every presentation. I break down each of these elements into proven instructional techniques that will help you Present Like a Pro!


In this entertaining and informative webinar series to improve public speaking skills, I'll take a unique approach by using the talents already have and teach you to apply those talents to strategies and techniques to help deliver better presentations than ever. I have helped thousands of corporate employees and college students alike in my public speaking development courses learn to deliver presentations that have audience’s raving. And now those principles have been captured in my book, “Developing the Talented Public Speaker in You” which will serve as the foundation for our three part webinar series


In Webinar 1 – “Public Speaking Preparation and Managing Nervousness” you’ll learn:

  1. The four questions to determine what’s important to audience members
  2. How to make the most of getting to know your audience prior to and during your speech
  3. Audience analysis techniques to help manage challenging participants
  4. How to best organize your message
  5. Tips on applying organizational speech patterns to impromptu speaking situations
  6. The impact speaker anxiety has on an audience
  7. Eleven ways to manage anxiety


Developing the Talented Public Speaker in You - Webinar #2

“Public Speaking Delivery, Introductions that People Remember,

and Body Building”


The fun part for me in working with folks who’d like to improve their public speaking skills is that I get to help people who already have most of the tools needed to excel at public speaking, but don’t realize it.


In some ways, I am envious of you. You all have natural talents like a good sense of humor or you can tell stories that people find interesting, or you have a big heart, or you are passionate about volunteering, or you are a risk taker, etc. And those are the qualities that make up a successful presenter.


I’ll show you ways to use your natural traits to dramatically improve your public speaking skills.


In Webinar 2 – “Public Speaking Delivery, Introductions that People Remember, and Body Building” you’ll learn:


  1. The impact of non-verbal communication on your message
  2. How to use the non-verbal skills you already possess
  3. Ten different types of introductions to generate interest in your topic
  4. How to use the Attention-Getting Model
  5. The secret to holding an audience’s attention without being an entertainer
  6. How to develop interesting material that people will remember


Developing the Talented Public Speaker in You - Webinar #3

“Finishing Strong, Professional Question Handling Techniques, and the Best of the Rest”


As many of us have heard, the Law of Inertia is generally defined as “a body at rest stays at rest, and a body in motion remains in motion.” By this point, you will have become a body in motion in terms of public speaking development; and in order for our time together to have been well spent, you’ll need to take action on what you’ve learned.


As we complete this part of our journey together, we’ll conclude by exploring some real-world areas to help you finish your presentations strong, along with some guidelines on how you can keep your momentum going.


In Webinar #3 – “Finishing Strong, Professional Question Handling Techniques, and the Best of the Rest” you’ll learn:


  1. The importance of  the conclusion
  2. How to finish strong
  3. Professional question handling techniques
  4. How to effectively use visual aids
  5. Public Speaking Resources
  6. Next steps

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